Thursday, November 30, 2006
An amazing insight into BlackHoles
And you thought this post was about african fannies? Pervert!
Where do you think you're going today?
Click there for creating customised packing lists and other general things-to-take-with-you-on-a-trip lists. Ok now we only have two things to worry about:
how to take the time off to go on a trip.
Deciding where to go.
Thank god for the internet. We would be such a bunch of dysfunctional morons if we didn't have people constantly telling us what to do and how to do it.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Animal Farm
The best satire I have read. Catch the full book here.
On the same level as H2G2. Mind altering experience.
On meetings
See what they've done
Chorus: See what they've done
They all once met for a long long time
And talked at great length on some bad code-lines
Have you ever heard such a thing in your life as ten blind guys?
Ten blind guys
See what they've done
Chorus: See what they've done
They met after lunch for a sleepy while
Kicked up a row cos they couldn't deliver to clients
Who can be as blind to the real issue as the ten blind guys?
A meeting of 10 people. 2 of them know the issue but can't find a solution. 3 of them think they know the issue, but do not, yet talk about it anyway like they were gods directing blame to where it belonged. 2 of them are responsible for the issue but don't know it yet. 3 of them are in the meeting only because they have nothing better to do in their lives than catch some juicy neighborhood gossip.
I am sick of these meeting times. 90% of the time you feel violated because somebody is holding you hostage, stealing your time and feeding you crap. The rest of the time you feel violated because the ones who matter (for the appraisal) don't understand the issue, the ones who understand the issue don't matter, the ones who neither understand nor matter are bent upon proving that the issue is yours, the ones who care and matter and understand the issue are... generally imaginary.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Really? Now I didn't know that!
“Maternal love stops when a child is 33 months old. Mothers maximize their reproduction by focusing on the next child when the current child can feed itself. By 33 months, children can feed themselves if food is available. They can walk and their first set of teeth have completed eruption.”
“Men only love a woman for 42 months, which covers 9 months of gestation and 33 months of post-natal care. Both sexes maximize reproduction by starting a new reproductive cycle with a new partner when a child can feed itself.”
“Revenge encourages victims of rule breaking to always retaliate, whether it helps them or not. The more victims retaliate, the fewer rule breakers there are. The fewer rule breakers there are, the more efficient a group is.”
“Pride is triggered by higher rank, not high rank. Rookies feel pride, but veteran all-stars do not. Recent nursing graduates feel pride, but doctors nearing retirement do not.”
“Humiliation is triggered by lower rank, not low rank. The only criminals who feel humiliation are first-time offenders. Every CEO feels humiliation when they retire.”
“Affection is triggered by the visual and audible differences that separate humans from other primates, such as white eyes, smiling and speaking.”
“When you maximize your happiness, you do what is best for the species.”
Read the first 18 chapters here.
Monday, November 27, 2006
15 ways to Leave your Computer
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Surprise! And it's not even Winamp!
Friday, November 24, 2006
I think!!!
I think I am wasting my time.
I think I am wasting your time.
I think writing this year's CAT was the funniest thing I did in a very long time.
I think!!!! Surprise Surprise.
I think I need a cigarette... again.
I think I have stopped wanting to be understood.
I think music has stopped having a mighty impact on me, like it used to once.
I think I should be looking out for a better job.
I think someone I know deserves a good spanking.
I think "The Introspector has spoken" phrase is silly.
I think I want to get drunk.
I think I want to sleep.
I think I want to suddenly wake up from this and remember its all just a dream, and that my Real Life is way more fun than this.
I think you should get up from in front of your computer NOW and realize you actually have a Real Life... Go on. Stop reading this horseshit.
I think KLUELESS2 people should pay more attention to the quality of their English. KLUELESS1 was better.
I think I have stopped making sense to myself.
I think I want to feel intensely nostalgic about something... anything.
I think I want a hug... again.
I think I should stop using ellipses(...)... Simply cos... it's the most overused punctuation in personal blogs. :P
I think I should give up trying to learn how to write.
I think enough is enough.
I think "Wow! I haven't blogged in ages."... again