Technology and Spirituality... Chalk and Cheese
Internet Radio can teach you many simple truths about life. That if you yearn to own, if you seek to possess, you will stop having fun in life. I was listening to internet radio and many of the songs that i listened to were songs I had never listened to before from bands I had never even heard of. I would not have downloaded or bothered to buy them at all, because when I get a song on my hard disk, I carefully consider if I like it, critique it to death and only if it still sounds good do I keep it. But on the radio, since I have no such choice, I listen to everything that's played and I noticed that most of the songs sound pretty good. Maybe if we took such an approach to what we interact with in our daily lives, particularly the people, much heartburn can be avoided. If we learned to accept people for what they were, like we accept radio stations for what they play, and learned to enjoy the good sides and the positive elements, like we enjoy the good bits of music on the radio, life would probably be more meaningful, instead of trying to constantly filter out our environment to permit only those stimuli that agree with our predefined conditions of acceptability and wallowing in a sense of dissatisfaction when those conditions are not met. Because in trying to carefully filter out music, we are closing our minds to growth. By critiquing everything around us, we are not giving them a fair chance to express themselves. Plus we don't really know what all we like. We only think we do. I decided I like 70s Progressive rock a lot now and I didn't even know i liked progressive.
So everybody, go listen to internet radio! Believe me, it's good for you.
So everybody, go listen to internet radio! Believe me, it's good for you.