Saturday, February 03, 2007

It's a phoney world!

There was a time when you were considered filthy rich if you had a telephone at home. But soon, everyone started having telephones. Then came them pagers. Top brass and highly placed executives and cardiac surgeons walked around with 'beepers' for a short period. That was until carpenters, plumbers and milkmen started finding them useful. Now the Superman-kind wanted something better than that! Ta- da, the cell phone comes in. Anybody who was somebody now had a mobile phone. They could make and recieve calls while hobnobbing with celebrities, playing golf with the president or banging their trophy wives. They could even recieve calls in the latest polyphonic ringtones! Again, that was only until the hoi-polloi caught up. Even my neighbor's cat has a cell phone now, all for itself! So what next? What does the lambo-driving, trophy-wife-banging, bahamas-vacationing dude weild to mark his status? Well, this. It's a crazy world, i tell you.

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